The LEEEEEAP into Blogdom...

Well, I have read and read and READ bloggers far and wide. Fabulous and funny, infamous and hilarious, creative and I am taking the plunge!
Here we go!!!
My hope is to create a blog that is cozy, inspiring, refreshing, resourceful, helpful, uplifting and feels like home to all readers~ a little "southern nest".

There are too many wonderful things about the southern US of A to name...and so I hope to blog away...sometimes more frequently than others...about things that are home to me...things that are southern and chic and comfortable and exciting and heart warming and beautiful to your eyes and mind! Family, Friends, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ...and of course the things that I love to surround myself with...beautiful art, cozy and timeless home things, handcrafted anything!, and recipes that are good enough to eat! :)

Here's to all of you readers and bloggers ~


1 comment:

Tracy said...

Yayy! welcome to blogdom! I have been inspired! Your blog is so cute and creative and truly....Jeanie-like!!! Love it!!!

The scrumptious Chaise

The scrumptious Chaise